Monday, September 1, 2008

Why Republicans and Catholics can love Obama

read this very important article from Saturday's NY Times about Douglas W. Kmiec, a Catholic, a Republican and an Obama Supporter.

It answers all the questions I've had and been asked about why I, a lifelong Republican, born and reared in Red States could support Obama. Other than the obvious reasons.

I've never voted for a Democrat in my life, ever. Not for any post, anywhere, anytime. I believe that government should be small, supple and useful to folks and never intrusive. I'm offended with a political party that insists it should peer into people's bedrooms (see Bowers v. Hardwick). I believe my tax dollars should pay for roads, bridges and schools - not government administrators, not commissions, not politically appointed boobs!

Now comes on the hypertext link above to read this.

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