Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Sarah Palin - Come On John!?!

No one can convince me that the appointment and nomination of Sarah Palin was anything other than a pandering attempt to appeal to continually disaffected Women for Hillary. They kept ringing the bell and look at what they got: an intellectual lightweight who's comfortable with the guys in the same way Elizabeth Dole or Condelezza Rice might be - only minus the gravitas or experience.

Here she is - if you went to High School you know her: pretty, ambitious and ruthless. When I see her smile and wave I keep getting these High School flashbacks from the 80's. Does that make me a sexist, I think not. Great angle from the GOP though - through out a lightweight to bait Biden (he's weak and undisciplined so he'll do more work for McCain than for Obama on this one - see his comments on 7-Eleven and Indians). Take an Old School Pol mix in an attractive light weight and he either tries to hit on her or is too dismissive. AND she's pro-life so all those mouth breathers out there (the Reagan Democrats I think they were called) who didn't like McCain anyway now have some reason to get the Access-A-Ride to the Polls in November. It's a layup!

Teach abstinence only - how's that working out Sarah? Maybe she was out hunting the day her daughter was to take the class?

No one who's ever been a parent of a teenager can pass judgment on the parent for the actions of the child but can anyone deny that this is a class issue and not a religious one? Rich kids and Upper Middle Class kids don't get into these problems in America do they? Perhaps it's those Long Artic Nights.

Here's a link to the Daily Kos that was written by a local about Sarah. Enlightening.

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