Tuesday, June 30, 2009

More Mark Sanford - Make Him Stop

So, it turns out the Governor of South Carolina, in all his Narcissistic glow, doesn't know a crisis consultant! There are many very qualified people here in the Northeast that I could recommend to him, like my old colleague and friend Gene Stevenson. Gene has advised large multinationals on difficult issues and CEOs and CFOs on difficult times, imagine how busy he is right now and he might just make time for Gov. Sanford because I know how much he loves Charleston - so I'm sure they could work something out.

But in the meantime someone make him STOP. This interview, in which he rubs salt in the wounds he inflicted on his wife and his family is appalling. "I have found the love of my life," "I crossed the line many times before" and my all time favorite: "I'm trying to fall in love with my wife again!!!" IT'S DONE. IT'S A WRAP, SHOWS' OVER FOLKS - time to go.

This MO-RON gives two days worth of interviews to the AP. I'm sure that like Bill Clinton and John Edwards and Strom Thurmond

(please don't forget ole Strom) before him he figures if he talks long enough the reporter will just love him too and "feel his pain." He must be a transplant and not a real South Carolinian.

Remember Jesse Jackson is a native South Carolinian (gotta add him in here since the Jackson death has caused the great political sump pump to bring both he and formerly Big Al Sharpton).

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