Monday, January 12, 2009

Obama & Ted Kennedy - Gone to the Dogs!

Ok, is it just me or is anyone else struck by the irony of the recommendation of Sen. Ted Kennedy that the Obama family select his favorite, a Portuguese Water Dog! Nothing against the dog, our friends had them and they are great. I'm of course biased because I bought a Labradoodle from Rutland Manor in Australia 4 years ago and we love the dog. This is a great dog for families who want a constant companion who can live with kids with allergies - like my second son. The "doodle" though isn't really a "breed" according to the Nazis at the AKC who consider my dog a MUTT. Even though after 20 years of constant considerate breeding by careful professional breeders - not so much you can say about the US breeders who turn out puppies in mills all over - but then Obama's a self confessed MUTT and so is most of America. We don't go for that Arayan shit her in the Old US of A. So, the Mutt should pick the MUTT.

But back to Kennedy. Isn't this the guy who let a girl drown to death in a car while he swam away. A Water Dog alright. Does America have no memory at all! The Lion of the Senate (only after he started a tough fight with cancer) is the original Water Dog. This is a guy who makes Bill Clinton look principled. Isn't this the guy who went drinking and driving (and running away) off an "unmarked" bridge with Mary Jo Kopechne in the passenger seat. She, intoxicated on his presence, he intoxicated.

There's Sen. Kennedy exchanging wit and repartee with Henry Winkler on how his Water Dog is superior to the Fonz's Labradoodle. If I were a journalist here I would open up and admit that I own a lovely animal and the that the price I paid alone makes it impossible that the Obama's will get one from the shelter. The only way that goes down is if the "Deep Throat" Guys drop one off 5 minutes before Malia and Sasha pull up in the motorcade. But we'll leave that post for another time.

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