Friday, June 27, 2008

Don Imus Not a Racist, just a Publicity Ho!

Don Imus is not a racist. Gotta let this go. Anyone who listens to the show knows good and well he's not a racist. Not sure he's always well served by his sports people. If you think about this dust up it started with that very unfunny and overplayed Warner Wolf. Warner was really trying to make a point about PacMan Jones that was not positive and I-man started in behind him. Not sure why Imus is letting Warner run his old vaudeville act every day anyway. Reminded me of the trouble that often started with Sid Rosenberg. Wonder what it is about guy's that they always want to hang out with someone who's right at the edge.??? Women are smarter about things like that.

Anyway Imus should get a NAACP award for introducing America to The End of Blackness by Debra Dickerson. She's the smartest voice out there today about issues pertaining to Black America (if there is such a thing).

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